Mind Over Matter Coach

Our mind controls how each individual feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons. And, we can tap into the immense power of Mind over Matter which we can use to impose our will over the physical world. I am going to present ideas and information on this subject. Just call me the “Mind Over Matter Coach”.

mind over matter coach

Mind Over Matter Coach

On the Subject of Mind Over Matter

Applying mind over matter means taking control of real life situations and/or solving a problem by the use of the mind. Will power can overcome illness and physical challenges and disabilities. The strength we can draw on from the way our mind functions presents us with amazing power. The capacity of our mind can be applied to achieve miraculous results. The truth is that our mind can “move mountains”.

In this regard, we tend to underestimate the strength of our mind and the potential of our strong will. In fact, what we think sometimes is not achievable, we can indeed achieve. Our mind has the ability to influence and/or prevail over physical realities. Above all, it has the power to overcome what is perceived to be the impossible.

The Mind Over Matter Coach Presents Some Prime Examples

Perception of Age

This is the first example I present because it applies to all of us. “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain.

Age is just a number. Certainly our years can take a toll on us to some degree as each year goes by. And on our ability to do some of the things that we used to do when we were younger can be somewhat diminished.

However, this being said, it is our attitude in life that dictates how young we feel and act and probably even look. In this way, we impose our will on how we go about our lives. Will we age rapidly or stay young longer? Giving into age assuredly will introduce limits to what we can do and achieve in life. Therefore, this motivates us to use our mind to overcome the effects of aging and to “be” younger.

Beat Father Time Here: Age Reverse

Favorite Example of the Mind Over Matter Coach

mind over matter coach

One of my heroes is Stephen Hawkins. I am a chemist and a fan of science of all types. I have watched some programs broadcasted by Stephen Hawkins and have always been amazed at how well he could explain complicated science in very understandable terms. Albert Einstein once said something to the effect that if you can’t explain a subject you don’t know it. Stephen Hawkins certainly did know his stuff.

At the age of 21, in 1963, Hawkins was diagnosed with ALS; also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The life span prognosis for this motor neurone disease is, of course, never good. On the contrary, Stephen Hawkins survived for 55 years with this disability. Not only did he survive but he became renowned in the science of physics and in cosmetology.

Although he received extensive good care as a rich and famous person, his survival was in no small part due to his attitude. Stephen Hawkins imposed his will over his disease, his health and his science. He therefore willed himself many more years to develop his scientific accomplishments.


Hypnosis is an example of mind over matter. This technique is applied to influence the mind to overcome certain physical ailments and psychological disorders.. The mind takes control over the matter of the behavioural aspects of the body.


Meditation is a way of increasing mental strength resulting in greater control of self. This uses the power of the mind to liberate itself and delve into the inner self. Therefore this provides access to further mental control to use for mind over matter.

Here is a Powerful Video to Empower the Mind over Matter The Five Second Rule

There are many more examples one can find but this gives your mind the idea of its powers. And Now onto other Matters:

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SNAP Into the Power Of the Mind!

Since our mind is the center of control for our existence and our bodily functions it stands to reason than that we should give our brain necessary care. Proper brain nutrition is, in effect, mostly deficient for most people.

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