Sleep Waistline Wine Healthy

Is drinking Wine Healthy? Georgia is generally considered the “cradle of wine” dating back to 6,000 BC. These early Georgians discovered that they can make wine from grape juice by burying it underground for the winter. Therefore, we have 8,000 well documented years on the benefits of drinking wine. Some of the first benefits of wine was to ease tensions. It lead to better understanding and eased barriers between different cultures and beliefs. Open your mind to better focus and understanding!

Wine Healthy – Sleep

Sleep is necessary to keep our body operating at optimum levels. Because, this is the time that our body regenerates, repairs and rejeuvenates your cells. New muscle growth also occurs while we sleep. This is important for those practicing resistance exercises. Insufficient sleep results in your body operating at sub-optimum levels. Most of us require 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.

Both red and white wine contain melatonin which helps you fall asleep and remain sleeping. To obtain maximum results for sleep, it is suggested to drink a glass of wine earlier in the evening.

wine healthy

Waistline – Weight Loss Wine Healthy

Besides how well our body functions, studies indicate that sleep also is a factor in weight loss. The faster that you achieve deep REM sleep the better your body reacts to your weight loss efforts.

Wine contains a compound called resveratol and studies have shown that it can promote weight loss. Furthermore, a recent study has found that red wine contains contains a compound piceattanol that can actually block the formation of fat cells.

Double up on Sleep and Weight Loss

I have noticed that as the years go by my sleep is not as sound as it used to be. Some nights I fight to go asleep and stay asleep. Also, the pounds tend to add on, it seems, and easier than before. Too, this extra unwanted weight appears to be more resistant to leave even with my consistant exercise program of aerobic and resistance exercises. But I am not alone here with these changes. It appears to be common place as we age.

wine healthy

Therefore, let the science of biohacking put on a double whammy to reverse the increasing growth of your waistline and create a new slimmer you. And at the same time sleep more soundly. Help your body metabilize better during sleep. Then this results in a positive side effect of weight loss!! Just one Snap before bed can do all of this for you.

Wine Healthy – Rich in antioxidants

Red grapes are rich in antioxidants. Because red wine grapes are higher in antioxidants than white grape varieties, drinking red wine may increase your blood antioxidant levels to a greater extent than drinking white. One of these antioxidants, again, is Resveratrol from the family of compounds called polyphenols. Therefore, tipping a glass of red wine will provide you with a good helping of these compounds. When I talk about a glass of wine, that is a Fine Wine that has been properly cultivated and prepared in the tradition of proper wine culture.

Antioxidants are compounds that prevent cellular damage caused by inflammation and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a condition caused by an imbalance between antioxidants and unstable molecules called free radicals, which can damage your cells.

Antioxidants can slow cellular damage which can slow down many of the signs of aging like wrinkles and skin damage. In addition, higher antioxidant intake is associated with a decreased risk of disease such as heart disease (mentioned below) and cancer. Furthermore, drinking red wine has been associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, which are associated with oxidative stress.

Speaking of skin health and age reversing, you can further up your game in a daily Snap.

Heart Health – Wine Healthy

Many studies have shown that the presence of polyphenol antioxidants in wine has been beneficial in decreasing the risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other heart-related problems. In addition, people suffering from hypertension have lowered their blood pressure levels thanks to red wine.

Research also indicates that both red wine and white wine both contain compounds that are beneficial in improving cardiovascular functions. These wines can improve glucose and lipid control, helping better functioning of the liver, and repairing cells that line blood vessels which in turn provides protection to the heart.

Studies have shown that red wine raises you HDL or “good cholesterol”. This helps to unclog your arteries. Red wine also helps expand blood vessels which leads to better circualtion. All this is heart healthy.

French Paradox

The phrase that red wine can be good for your health helps to solve the French Paradox. Basically, this paradox is that despite consuming a high fat diet, the French, overall, have a lower incident of heart disease than countries which consume less high fat foods.

Good Gut Bacteria

Recent studies have even suggested that red wine may promote the growth beneficial gut bacteria. Gut bacteria aids in the extraction of nutrients. These include vitamins, minerals, amino acids from protein, fatty acids and guess what – antioxidants. This good bacteria (probiotics), more importantly, contribtes to a stronger immune system.

Antioxidants and Inflammation

Chronic inflammation has been found to be harmful for our health. It may increase the risk of conditions such as heart disease, autoimmune disorders and certain cancers.

It’s Resveratol in red wine which comes to the rescue again. This polyphenol has been shown in studies to prevent chronic inflammation. Therefore it is a benefit to health. Moderate consumption of wine is linked to a reduced inflammatory response. This is the action where wine, especially red wine, provides all of the above improvements to our overall health.

Studies, furthermore, indicate that drinking moderate amounts of wine as part of a healthy diet may increase longevity thanks to wine’s high antioxidant content. And no wonder with improved blood circulation and reduced risk of heart disease.

At the End of the Day

I find wine is helpful at the end of a busy day as a marketer. After a successful day of growing my business, there are times that my mind is still functioning in overdrive, Then a glass of fine wine slows down (wines down) life enough to recupe my thoughts, enjoy my triumphs and mull over upcoming challenges. It just seems to dump any of my stress or distractions. And once again you can relieve stresss and improve your mood in a Snap!

It is reassuring that something we enjoy so much, such as a Fine Wine, also can provide us with health benefits. So cheers, here is to a long and happy life. Remember, the sign of a good wine is that it starts with a smile and ends with a smile.

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