Telehealth Technology

Telehealth technology is where technology meets Health Care. Thanks to the internet the marriage of Telehealth and Telemedicine has raised Health Care to a different level. Great strides are being made to provide almost instant care as well as remote access. Set Up Your Telehealth Access Here

Telehealth Technology and TeleMedicine

This Video Answers Some Questions

telehealth technology

Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technologies. Such as computers and mobile devices, to access health care services remotely and manage your health care. These may be technologies you use from home or that your doctor uses to improve or support health care services. It all started with the simple use of the telephone. A phenomenal development at the time.

Telemedicine is defined as the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunications technology. Consequently, this technology allows for the distribution of health related services and information via electronic information. Because of this long distance patient and clinical care are possible. In addition, advice, reminders, education, intervention and monitoring are all possible through this means.

Technology Including Telehealth Technology and Health Care

The explosion of Technological development is providing many advances for the care of our health. Technology is only limited by those developing and finding new uses not yet imagined. New ideas and technological developments can improve our lives in so many ways.

For example. biohacking science has given us improved focus and alertness. Furthermore we get better sleep and weight loss while we sleep. Drink your favourite coffee and lose weight. And bring you back to your youth. Get more information on these seemingly miracles of technology Here.

Charging Ahead

As a chemist it astounded me with the transformation of technology during my carreer. I started during the time that computers had not yet hit the labs and offices. But when they came they changed the face of chemistry. The access to information and publications of all kinds was a godsend. Gas chromatographs hooked up to mass spectrometers made chemical identification so much better. Incredibly, we could analyze down to the molecular level with accuracy never thought possible.

Futhermore, most people probably don’t realize what happened to the individual sciences. Whereas, before each division of science existed in an individual box. Each basically kept their concentartion and efforts only in their field. Chemistry, Physics, Biology. Genetics… developed on their own. However, with the advent of computers the sciences became no longer divided. Now a scientist in any field cannot exist without knowledge of a variety of the other sciences. In the end, this change is almost miraculous in itself.

Doctor on Your WristTelehealth Technology

Telehealth is Health of the future that exists here now. Vurtual appointments can provide better and/or quicker access to doctors. And too, doctor to doctor transmission of data has come a long way from phone calls to each other. This also opens the door to greater access to specialists. Both for the patient and for the attending doctor who seeks diagnostic advice. But all of these advantages require the electronic availability of medical data.

smart watch

And now that brings me to what I am anxious to inform you about. You need to know about this astounding development in wearable technology. The medical data your doctor will need is your specific vitals from a device programmed for you. Then all you need is an internet connection. Because you can upload your information directly to your healthcare provider with your phone, computer or by means of a video conference.

This Smart Watch is what you need; but not just any Smart Watch. It does everything a good Smart Watch offers including telling the time; emails etc. But, for the same cost of an ordinary smart watch, you get the added benefit that it measures your vitals. And there is so much More:



As mentioned it measures your vitals.

  • blood pressure
  • heart rate
  • temperature
  • SPO2 stats
  • In addition even atrial fibrillation detection.

Plus Bonus Features:

Smart Watch
Smart Watch – Sorry Maxwell
  • Measures your steps – If you are like me I am keeping in shape doing ~10,000 steps a day. This watch will keep you in step with the numbers!!
  • And while you are walking you can check measurements of the air quality you are breathing
  • Sleeping Well? – Don’t know? This device provides insight into the quality of your sleep; a very important factor for your health. If you find you need help to enjoy sound sleep and more – You can get that solution in a SNAP!
  • Counting Calories? You get in this device a programmable calorie counter. Enjoy better weight maintenance. In addition, you can: – SNAP help into your favourite cofee to lose pounds and inches.
  • You Get 24/7 Biometric recording
  • This telehealth device will also alert you to your mood and energy level as well as your stress level. If these need improvement – A SNAP will elevate your mood and make you calm.

Get Smart Watch!! – Sorry Maxwell Get Smart thought they were at the forefront of technology!

En-Riches Your Life

As well as being a doctor on your wrist this Smart Watch Device is wearable technology that is a “Money Machine”. Mine Cryptocurrency from this device and get richer as well as monitoring and preserving your health. Take part in the growing shiny world of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.

In fact, we are educating and deploying this marvel device that also is a Crypto Currency Miner. Meaning it is creating Crypto Currency that is available on the Exchanges. First of it’s kind and cutting edge technology.


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Increase your wealth and you can enjoy the finer things in life. And life is too short to drink cheap wine. In fact, though, you can get Fine Wines from our Wine of the Month Club at Member Pricing, even get it FREE!! So start getting used to the Finer things in life now and be prepared for that great taste you can only get from Fine Wine.

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