Keep Your Brain Healthy

It’s so important to keep your brain healthy. Yet most of us don’t take this into consideration very often; if at all. Your brain is the center of your whole being. Therefore, we should treat it like our prize possession. So let’s see how we can give our brain the respect and care it deserves. Start Here:

brain healthy

Protein in the Morning – Keep Your Brain Healthy

I thought it would be important to mention this bit of strategy. That’s because this was recent news to me and I’d never heard this before. And it is key to starting your day with a sharp mind.

You need 30 grams of protein in the morning for the optimal function of your brain. For more information on all of the brain benefits of protein, Go Here:

Have a Social Life

Solitary confinement has been related through research to brain atrophy. Whereas being socially active may have the opposite effect. In fact it may strengthen your brain. Depression and stress are a result of the lack of social interaction. This then can contribute to memory loss. Therefore, keep your brain healthy by connecting with family and friends regularly.

Regular Exercise – Keep Your Brain Healthy

brain healthy

Did you know that you can grow your brain by doing resistence exercises. Thus such exercises as weight lifting and calisthenics will “expand your mind” literally.

Exercise has many known benefits. This includes benefits for the brain. Physically active individuals are generatlly happier and don’t experience mental decline. This includes less chance of Alzheimer’s disease. Studies show that the benefits result from increased bloodflow to the brain during exercise. Therefore your brain retains brain connections better during the aging process.

All you require is moderate exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes, Increase your heart rate walking, biking or playing sports to keep your brain healthy.

In addition, exercise helps in maintaining your weight. The fact that your weight is acceptable for your size means better health and body function; including your brain function.

Mental Exercise – Exercise Your Mind

brain health

Stimulate your brain and keep it stimulated regularly. This is equivilent to exercising your muscles. Cut out television which is brain deadening. Make it enjoyable by playing card games or doing crosssword puzzles. And mix it up. Learn a new language and practice the language. How about taking up the piano or the guitar. Reading books often, is excellet exercise to keep your brain healthy. I believe motivational and positive thinking books are especially beneficial stimulants for the brain.

And all the while you are socializing and keeping your brain healthy – exercise your sense of humour. Then you reduce your level of stress which is brain healthy as well.

Healthy Diet

What you feed your brain will effect how it functions. Eating well can increase your focus and reduce the chances (again) of Alzheimer’s. All too often in North America we eat too much red meat and salt in our diets.

Eat rather plant-based foods including whole grains. Fish and healthy fats, such as olive oil, are important for brain health. It is important for your brain cells to function correctly. In this regard, omega fatty acids help with the proper function of the cells. More Help for Brain Health Here:

Sleep Well and Get Enough Sleep – Keep Your Brain Healthy

Sufficient sleep is immensely important for your health including your brain health. Sleep is the time that your body repairs itseslf and restores chemical balance. Lack of sleep reduces proper function of your brain and body functions. Sleep-deprived people seem to be especially prone to poor judgment. We need sleep like our body needs food and nutrition. Get more information on Sleep and Your Health Here:

Keep Your Brain Healthy Here

Give your brain health a super boost. You can help your brain function well with nutrition specifically formulated for brain health; as well as overall health. Increase your focus and mental sharpness. Sleep well which is so important for brain health (and, hey, lose weight when sleeping – bonus). And as an added benefit you can age reverse to look and feel as you did in your college years. This fountain of youth also increases blood circulation which certainly benefits the brain as mentioned above. Get Your Brain Benefits Here:

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