Protein and Brain Health

Protein and brain health are inseparable for our overall health. In order for our bodies to function and maintain good health, one the three major macronutrients we require is protein. How much protein are you consuming each day? Sufficient protein intake is necessary for optimal brain function. And there are many more benefits for us and our central computer.

protein and brain health

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Our body breaks down protein into the component amino acids. In turn, our body uses these amino acids from protein to make enzymes, hormones, the antibodies for our immune system and other body chemicals. These are needed to build and repair tissue. The most familiar result of protein consumption is muscle growth. But there’s more benefits from this nutrient.

We have to get our protein from foods and supplements since the body does not store essential amino acids that protein provides.
Amino acids are necessary in the formation of neurotransmitters in the Brain!! Neurotransmitters are used in the brain for communication between cells!!

So What are these Amino Acids?

Amino acids from protein are available from a variety of different sources. These include meat, fish, eggs, soy, milk, beans, legumes, and nuts. For a healthy diet it is mandatory to include these eight essential amino acids that come from protein:

  • Valine
  • Lysine
  • Threonine
  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Tryptophan
  • Phenylalanine
  • Methionine

Protein and Brain Health – Your Brain on Protein

Proteins optimize brain function and maintain brain regulation. Scientific results indicate that this nutrient is a key to mental health. They are essential for getting nutrients to your brain cells. In addition, proteins help to maintain healthy heart/brain balance.

If you have the right diet that includes healthy protein sources, you can improve mental clarity, fight fatigue, boost memory and reduce inflammation. By combatting inflammation this allows your energy-producing mitochondria to keep going. This is key to a healthy brain and nervous system.



Tyrosine heightens alertness and attention. This neurotransmitter increases your sense of wellbeing, and helps ward off the effects of stress. Tyrosine converts into the alerting neurotransmitters dopamine and noradrenalin Then it further converts into the hormone adrenalin.

Adrenalin, along with other hormones, help sustain proper blood sugar levels, upon which our brains are extremely dependent.

Reduce Stress Sleep Better and Energy – Serotonin and Noreplnephrine

protein and brain health

Protein plays a large role in the production of serotonin in the brain. Therefore. with increased levels of serotonin, you ward off anxiety and depression. Furthermore. you can alleviate stress and boost energy levels. Serotonin is also helpful for a better night of sleep. Melatonin is another neurotransmitter that aids in sound sleep.

Serotonin, in addition, reduces appetite. Therefore it helps in weight loss. It is also known to be anti-OCD. This is a super neurotransmitter.

More energy for youNoreplnephrine increases your energy levels too. As well, it provides enhanced alertness and arousal.

Dopamine – Feel Good Thanks to Protein and Brain Health

Dopamine is known as the “feel good” neurotransmitter. It helps to generate feelings of optimism and enthusiasm. Dopamine is one of the chemicals known as catecholamines. These chemicals work together to facilitate normal nervous function, help reduce fatigue and keep energy levels constant. Great for your overall health to tackle each day with gusto.

Dopamine, is also important for self-esteem, creativity, focus and motivation. It does more than just make you feel good; it gets you confidently into action.

Neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin act to elevate your mood and play a key role in concentration, learning and memory.


Another neurotransmitter, called acetylcholine, is also very important for learning and memory. So you can’t forget this useful neurotransmitter provided to you from your protein sources!!

Protein Intake

Your brain needs you to be sure you get proper protein consumption for your mental health and all of those benefits mentioned above. It has been suggested to divide your weight in pounds and then multiply that number by 0.8. This results in the number of grams of protein you need each day for proper overall body health maintenance and brain optimization.

I have also read that an adult needs 30 grams of protein in the morning. This amount is important to produce those neurotransmitters for your brain. Then you get a good start to your day, alert, focused and ready to take on the world.

Therefore, I personally consume 27 grams of protein from a whey protein powder that I mix in milk. The protein powder supplement is sweetened with Stevia so I stay away from sugar and the harmful effects of other sweeteners. I just started this recently and I do feel more energetic and have better mental clarity following this daily regime. It’s necessary to drink lots of water during the day when taking such supplements.

I have also added taking a Snap with 3 grams of bioavailable protein; probably the best source of protein for your muscles as well as your brain. This then adds up to the 30 grams I need each day. Snap up the best protein source Here:

Whey Protein – For Protein and Brain Health

I chose whey protein because of the high-quality protein and other natural ingredients. It is rich in magnesium and zinc as well. Zinc is a mineral that has been shown to prevent depression, improve memory and ward off an array of mental disorders. It also serves as a natural antidepressant.

protein and brain health

A healthy brain can help us solve problems, manage emotions, deal with stress, and unlock our goals in life. And just like we exercise other parts of our body, paying special attention to our brain to help keep it functioning optimally is important.

More Tips for Brain Health

• Avoid a high sugar diet, as it may increase your risk of dementia.
• Get enough rest—Ideally, seven to nine hours each night. Inadequate sleep is linked to slower thinking.
• Keep your brain stimulated daily with games and puzzles. Engaging socially with friends and family is also great.
• Never stop learning. Continue to read about new things that interest you, learn a new skill, or pick up a hobby.

See How to Keep your Brain Stimulated and Find Financial Freedom

Brain Health in a Snap

Nootropics and Nanotechnology provide nutrition specifically for the brain. Consuming your protein and using Velovita Brān Reimagined will do wonders for your brain health and for your day. Mental acuity, improved focus, enhanced mood and much more will be yours with Brān. Where protein begins Brān excels and offers so many more health benefits.

And just as protein helps out, Velovita zlēm Sleep and Slim ensures a sound night of sleep. At the same time you lose weight and get exercise benefits, all while you are sleeping. Also, zlēm and Brān team up to augment the results.

Read Here What the Biohacking Brothers Can Do for You!!
