Bicycle For Fun and Exercise

Are you thinking you would like to get some exercise but don’t like the grind of going to a gym or you haven’t found a routine you enjoy? Cycling on your bicycle for fun can be the answer to this dilemma.

Bicycle For Fun and Exercise

With cycling you are having fun and getting exercise without realizing it. Achieving motorcycle-like speeds are thrilling. In addition, you improve your mood and enjoy the endorphin rush that you don’t experience driving. Get All Your Sports and Bicycle Needs Here:

Read below about the many benefits of hopping on a bike and convincing arguments to get going. To be sure exercise is important and practicing sports. sports in general, and sports such as bicycle riding is also enjoyable.

Instructions for Cycling – Bicycle for Fun

Once you find your balance on a bicycle, here are the instructions to follow:

  1. Start Peddling
  2. Don’t fall
  3. Don’t collide with anything
  4. Wear a quality helmet and bike gloves.

Now you are an expert cyclist. Pretty easy, right? Therefore, as you can see, anybody can do it at all ages.

Exercise and Health on Your Bicycle – Bicycle for Fun

Biking is good for your heart. It will keep you fit and improve your overall health. Bicycle enthusiasts over the age of 30 look 10 years younger than their counterparts. Henceforth, the fountain of youth is in front of your wheel.

Cycling is low impact, in fact, impact free and therefore easier on the joints than other exercise such as jogging.

Stay Slim and More – Bicycle for Fun and Exercise

Bicycle For Fun and Exercise

We can slim down 11 pounds a year with 15 minutes of bicycle travel to and from work. Every time spent on the bike we are burning calories; typically at moderate speeds: 400 calories an hour for a 110-pound female, 650 calories an hour for a 150-pound male and 850 calories each hour for a 220-pound male. Commuting by car, on the other hand, has been linked to weight gain and obesity, even in drivers who take time to exercise.

Women who commute by walking or biking at least 30 minutes each day also were found to have a decreased risk of breast cancer.

Its been reported that 30 minutes of cycling a day reduces risk of heart disease and stroke by 35%. In addition, the risk of mortality is decreased by 35% with 1 hour on the bike daily. Simply Go Here for All Your Sports and Bicycle Needs:

Cycling, even when it’s on your bicycle for fun, builds your muscles. It works the glutes, quads and calves and leaves you with lean muscles from your ankles all the way up to your lower back. Furthermore, some of the less obvious benefits include surprising improvement in core muscle groups from balancing, which improve your posture, and upper body strength as well, giving you an all over workout. In addition, the increased muscle mass means burning more calories even when you sleep.

While your body is doing all this conditioning, you are having fun and do not realize the effort you are putting into riding. Consequently it’s easy to incorporate biking as a form of regular exercise into your life style.

Effects of Exercise – Bicycle (and Other Sports Too)

Daily exercise such as cycling has been found to increase energy and reduce fatigue. “Cycling is one of the best exercises I’d recommend,” says sports physical therapist Corey Kunzer. Additionally, it’s easy on the joints and helps relieve stress. Bicycle riding has also been found to reduce anxiety and depression.

Riding your bicycle makes you smarter. Even a single 30-minute bout of exercise can improve reaction time, memory, and creative thinking. In Fact, when given a questionnaire, men who increased their daily bike commuting saw improvements in their overall mental health. Likewise, recent research shows that cycling as a form of exercise sharpens your thinking.

Biking gets the nerve cells in your brain firing and as these neurons spark into action they foster the production of proteins such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). As a result, it also helps your neurotransmitters communicate more effectively, which means you improve your ability to retain information and ability to concentrate. Go Here for your Sports and Bicycle Accessories

Convenience and Saves Time

From the time you leave the house on your bicycle you are getting to where you want to go and exercising. Compare this to heading to the gym for a workout or to play a sport where there is commute time there and back.

It just takes getting dressed appropriately and hopping on your bike; how convenient. This is because it’s not necessary to pack up for the gym or bring all the sports equipment needed to play a sport.

You decide how much time you ride according to your schedule instead of having to conform to a certain amount of time for an exercise regime. In this way, you are self-reliant and don’t need to depend on class instructors or fellow team mates. You can go as often as you please.

All this makes you more efficient in controlling your time and you take more control of your life.

Economical and Environmentally Friendly

You are the sole source of power so no gas stations and also, no parking fees. Combine cycling with your transportation needs to and from work or the store for example and there’s further savings.

Getting back to gym workouts and sports, there are no membership fees required. (By the way, this fellow needs a Mount for His Phone!! Get the best Mounts and Cases Here at a Reduced Price!!)

It is definitely a green sport. Trading cycling for motorized transport obviously helps to save the planet. No pollution from fossil fuels, less noise, less space required for parking and traffic and less car manufacturing. Besides, on a bike it’s possible to make better time navigating through or around the traffic jams or miss the traffic completely on bike paths. Go Here for All Your Bike and Sports Needs:


Getting Outdoors – Bicycle for Fun and Exercise

We get to destinations within biking distance of our homes such as parks, stores and work on our bikes. We may have pre-planned destinations or we’re just touring the streets and bike paths. It’s exhilarating to wonder what new things we will see and where we may end up.

Within our towns and cities we go on bicycles to areas we don’t normally go to in our cars. Therefore, learning more about where we live and developing different perspectives. Travelling at a more leisurely speed, as leisurely or as fast as we please, we notice things like houses, neighborhoods and green areas differently and in more detail. This results in becoming more connected to your own neighborhood. Get All Your Bike and Outdoor Sports Needs Here:

Getting Places Bicycle for Fun and Exercise

We can go to quieter places and view some nature. Biking also connects us with the environment where we see changing ecosystems and geography while riding and enjoying the different views, sometimes spectacular scenery. All this time enjoying fresh air and exercise.

Cycling becomes easier each year. Due to the popularity of cycling, towns and cities are building bike paths and installing traffic lanes for the safety of the riders.

This all totals up to having a fun experience and improved health, both physical and mental.

Social – Bicycle for Fun and Exercise

Cycling can be more social than you think. Groups travel on road trips provides company and motivation to complete the tour. Once they get going conversation is easy when coasting. Bike Clubs are popular with regular and new trips, short range and long range, planned and organized, you just have to choose your preference. Get All Your Sports Needs Here:

Of course, bike rides together can be enjoyed as a family outing. A great way to have fun as a unit and get yourselves and the children away from sedentary activities such as  watching TV, texting and video games,

Get Connected – Bicycle for Fun and Exercise

kids connected

You become connected to people and make friends by having a similar interest.

So there you are. Get cycling to have fun, make friends, get smarter, become fit, stay slim, save time and money and help the environment. Not to mention that you can add years to your life and life to your years.

Monitor your fitness with this device you will be wearing anyway. It measures your bike riding experience for a frame of reference as to how you are progressing. Also it measures your Health Metrics. Even more, this Smartwatch mines crypto to increase your wealth. Check out this Amazing Device.

Go Here for All of Your Bicycle and Other Sports Needs:
