Books at the best price online


When was the last time you sat down and read a book? Most of us would like to read more than we do. Therefore, the best way to start is to have a book to read on hand; we have books at the best prices. GO HERE AND SEE – START HERE –

“Books are the most quiet and lasting friends, the easiest to reach, the wisest counselors and the most patient teachers.” Charles W. Eliot

  • Have a fiction book beside your bed. Reading will actually help you to fall asleep.
  • Keep a book in your bag or briefcase that you usually take to work. In that way, you can read a page on your lunch or coffee breaks.
  • Create a routine of reading in the evenings. Read in a quiet place at home or at a local park. In order to Start, just begin with reading a single page.

Many options are available to you. You can choose from an endless varieties of subjects-fiction, historical, non-fiction, documentary, science… and there are always downloads or audiobooks as well. We have it all here and at the Best Price for you!


Indulge yourself and enjoy whatever book or subject you are looking for, New or Used, it is all to be found in one place here.

The choice is almost unlimited. Your only difficulty is deciding where to start. As an example, do you want entertainment, light reading, learning a new area or hobby (Do It Yourself), self-improvement, home decoration or gardening ideas? Hence, just pick the Categories that interests you:

Advantages of Reading

Reading presents fundamental benefits for the enjoyment of life. Remember, your children watch what you do. Thus we should be encouraging them to READ by doing this ourselves. Open up a world of imagination for them and let their imagination grow with them.

Reading encourages us to develop other skills as we learn more and more from books. It enhances our abilities to write language skills, our vocabulary and in general makes us more interesting to be with. It’s true also, that books can direct us in the right direction in life.


Books stimulate our thinking, open up new ideas, let us see more options in our journey. They augment our creative instincts. It is a fact that people who are successful in life love to read, sometimes they are avid readers. The success of some individuals can be judged by the size of their library and not the size of their television.

Isn’t Reading an Easy Thing to Do?

It has been documented about people, highly intelligent people, who have had trouble reading. Vital reading skills is not a sign a low intelligence. For example, John Corcoran, who wrote The Teacher Who Couldn’t Read, is a very intelligent man. He graduated from High School and College, became a popular High School teacher and later a successful businessman all without being able to read. Many highly intelligent people have struggled with reading although, when properly taught, most people can learn to read easily and quickly.

Reading isn’t always easy but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Choose what interests you and don’t compare yourself to others or to their interests. As a matter of fact, make reading an individual experience just for you. If you don’t feel that you have the time, that maybe reading isn’t for you and just can’t get started, you may need to improve your reading and comprehension skills. Henceforth, try the following and then get started:

  • Always make a special time to read. Reading for fun can be done anywhere.
  • Read the right books. Those are the ones with subjects that interest you. You won’t be able to wait to learn more in another book.
  • Improve your fluency. Fluency is how smoothly you can read. When you read in your head, you should have a certain rhythm to the words. As your fluency improves you will be able to read faster.
  • After you speed up, slow down. That’s right, you can slow down! Take time to really get into the text you’re reading, instead of speeding through it.
  • Re-Read. Sometimes it pays to re-read an interesting book to pick up some of the story or the details you missed. Books can be enjoyed even reading them twice. Go Here to Get Started on your Next Book

Benefits of Reading Books


First Five Benefits

  1. Reading stimulates imagination – When we read it opens roads for our imagination to travel. Reading about unknown places, creates the imaginative images in our minds, instead of draining our imagination from limited experiences. To this end, by reading we strengthen the imagination and creativity of our minds.
  2. We get New Ideas– Reading gives us new content to consider and dream about. In addition, we develop new perspectives on life based on the “experiences: and information we derive from reading inspiring us to think differently. (See item 7 below).
  3. Reading Books is a work out for the Brain – Rather than passively watching television we are actively reading. Therefore. we are training our mind to focus on new information and increase concentration. The results of this brain workout is it improves analytical skills and memory.
  4. Reduces Stress – When we read, we are resting our bodies. We spend time being still feeling comfortable. Normally we sit while reading, we calm down and our breathing slows. We are concentrating on the book and forget about our worries and problems. Because of all of these factors, we increase our inner tranquility and reduce stress.
  5. Enriches our Vocabulary – It only stands to reason that the more you read, see more words and understand more expressions and terminology that your vocabulary will grow, seemingly on its own. The more you read the richer your vocabulary becomes. This enhances your conversational skills and you become a more interesting person. Not to mention, your personality development is heightened as you gain more knowledge from books.

Five More Benefits

  1. Improves your Memory – While reading, we usually have more time to think about the things we just read. Reading books offers us the opportunity to stop and take the moment to rethink or reflect on the content we just read. (Thus changing and enhancing our perspectives on life). This practice helps develop our memory skills.
  2. Reading gives us New Knowledge – It goes without saying that the more you read the more knowledge you gain, from information that you otherwise would not be privy to, A written language separates us from all other species! It enables us to transfer knowledge rapidly and allows us to develop faster, which in the era of technological progress already exceeds the limits of imagination.Of course, these days there is an explosion of information available and knowledge to be gained, including the fast moving technological changes to learn about.
  3. We become smarter – We become more intelligent by absorbing the knowledge and information gleamed from books. As mentioned earlier, you become more interesting and a better communicator which highlights both your new knowledge and apparent level of intelligence.
  4. Boosts Sleep – There is nothing more enjoyable and comforting falling asleep with a book still in your hands. Sleep quality is improved, deep and restful, because you are so de-stressed and relaxed form reading books.
  5. Healthy Entertainment – Reading books keeps you entertained and you can enjoy this entertainment for hours. Finally, for all the reasons cited above, it is healthy entertainment.

Important Opinions on Reading Books

The following quotes speak volumes (no pun intended) about the many aspects (all positive) of reading books:

No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.

  • Mary Wortley Montagu

To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries.

  • A C Grayling

No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.

  • Confucius

The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

  • Dr. Seuss

Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.

  • Harry S Truman

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

  • Joseph Addison

A book is a dream that you hold in your hands.

  • Neil Gaiman

When you sell a man a book you don’t sell him just 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue – you sell him a whole new life.

  • Christopher Morley

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends, they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors and the most patient of teachers.

  • Charles W Eliot

Quote Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own.

  • William Hazlitt

Books are the compasses and telescopes and sextants and charts which other men have prepared to help us navigate the dangerous seas of human life.

  • Jesse Lee Bennett

A good book is always on tap; it may be decanted and drunk a hundred times, and it is still there for further imbibement.

  • Holbrook Jackson

Audio Books


AUDIO BOOKS are the way to go if you drive, fly or in general travel a lot. It’s a great way to enjoy personal growth. Also, you are getting healthy entertainment and education (you always learn something) when you have so much time to imbibe. Having someone read to you is an easy way to appreciate the story or to secure knowledge and ideas. Our library of Audio Books is always being updated and available here.

This is just one more way to get into a good book and provide variety and the peaceful entertainment you are seeking.





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