Gut Health Starring Probiotics

On a basic level we think of gut health as how do our stomach and bowels feel today. Comfortable or upset; natural or uncomfortable elimination! However, it is much more important for your health. Now thanks to the science of biohacking, we now have a solution.

In fact, gut health affects our overall health and body functions. It plays a huge roll in the health and well-being of our bodies. Your gut; (otherwise known as your digestive system or your gastrointestinal (GI) system); digests the foods you eat, absorbs nutrients from it and uses those nutrients to fuel and maintain your body. It is also important to realize that the stomach is the body’s second brain. There is a lot of communication between the brain and the stomach in order to maintain your overall health. Start improving your gut health now!

Gut health, in fact, refers to the balance of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract

Probiotics and Digestion

gut health

Probiotics contain live organisms, usually specific strains of bacteria that directly add to the population of healthy microbes in your gut. Get your Probiotics in a SNAP!

Living inside of your gut are 300 to 500 different kinds of bacteria. These bacteria work in conjunction with other tiny organisms like viruses and fungi. This then make what’s known as the microbiota, or the microbiome. Healthy bacteria are vital for the proper degestion of food providing fuel for your body.

Bacteria live throughout your body, but the ones in your gut may have the biggest impact on your well-being. They line your entire digestive system. In fact, most live in your intestines and colon. They affect everything from your mood to your immune system.

Health Benefits of Probiotics – Gut Health

I choose this advantage as the top of my list. Probiotics can help get rid of that mid-drift bulge. This is something so many of us fight daily (me included). Probiotics help the balance of good bacteria in the gut. Too much gut bacteria can make you turn fiber into fatty acids. This may cause fat deposits leading to an increased size of that large gut, as well as obesity and fatty liver. Thus a balanced level of healthy gut bacteria with the help of probiotics can help you to tighten your belt further and flatten that stomach area.

Furthermore Probiotics:

gut health
  • Improves digestion and absorption of food and nutrients
  • Boosts Immunity
  • Decreases Inflammation
  • Helps balance the pH levels in your body
  • Improves lactose tolerance
  • Helps decrease antibiotic resistance
  • Protects against food allergies
  • Promotes healthy yeast balance to prevent yeast infections.
  • May improve mental health. (The gut is the second brain; remember)
  • Promotes healthy skin.
  • Helps lower blood pressure.
  • May help improve non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  • May supplement diabetes treatment.

It’s important to get probiotics into your system daily to obtain all the advantages they provide to your digestion and overall health. Now you can get all this in a SNAP!

Help Hydrate and Alkalyze Your Body

Our source of probiotics are conveniently available in a SNAP. It delivers them in liquid form which provides the most effective method of absorption for your body. Infuse probiotics into your system to improve and maintain your overall health. Enjoy all the benefits and the delicious taste from this Snap.

My Personal Experience

Having a healthy gut is life changing. Remember that the small colon and the brain work in tandem. Therefore, a balanced digestive system results in a balnaced life. I have definitely noticed a feeling of well being when I use this amazing SNAP daily. I take it 1/2 hour before eating in the morning. When I do this I enjoy a better mood all day due to that improved feeling of well being. I have experimented with missing taking this Snap for a few days and there is a difference in my overall feeling good and my mood.

Couple this with the fact that I see my stomach area shrinking steadily. That has certainly sold me on this product. I have finally started losing my gut (stomach bulge) without changing my diet. There has been a significant difference in this weight loss that was not happening before taking my probiotics with this awesome Snap each day. Join me in this slimming and health improving process in a SNAP!

Biohacking your Body for Health Needs

Byōm™ is the most recent addition to our natural biohacking solutions. Add zlēm to the menu to lose weight while you sleep and much more. Combine this with our the probiotics SNAP to get that desired weight and more health benefits. And there’s more; see what our Biohacking Brothers have for your overall health so you can enjoy life more!